Rain On The Red Flag - A Memoir by Frank Thanh Nguyen

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Semi Finalist,  2023 Memoir Category

Nguyen's book is a thoroughly engaging story that draws readers in with tragedy, perseverance, and, ultimately, a type of reunification. The framing--starting the story with a heartbreaking plot point--sets the stage for an emotional and harrowing story that keeps readers riveted throughout.

Public Reviews

"Rain on the Red Flag is an immensely moving and absorbing memoir of one man’s journey to freedom and the high price both he and his family paid to get there. Highly engaging and thoroughly readable, it is superbly well-written and expertly paced. You can almost smell the smoke. Feel the wind and the rain. Hear the blare of Communist propaganda. Taste the salt air on the open sea.

Don’t miss this one. It is incisive and poignant while neatly side-stepping mawkish or maudlin. Indeed, Rain on the Red Flag is likely to join other classics such as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and The Gulag Archipelago, or Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago.

Rain on the Red Flag is a memoir no library should be without. " 

Kristine L. , Reedsy Discovery

"This memoir is absorbing from the first to the last word...In the Rain on the Red Flag, Frank Thanh Nguyen masterfully navigates the reader in his journey, constantly reminding us of the value of having a family, friends, and even each other. While telling his story, Nguyen educates us on how war and chaos only bring pain and devastation and how we should preserve and value peace and understanding. Rain on the Red Flag was a great read that will stay with me for a long time. It is the book for anyone searching for a gripping memoir!"

Alex Ndirangu, Readers’ Favorite

"Inspiring! Your writing is raw and gritty. What a wonderful first peek!"

Robin Brewton, Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

"Wow; so powerful as a gift of your writing skills! A captivating read, and so eloquently written and intensely descriptive, puts us as if we were there. But: could any of us readers actually have survived such an ordeal as you went through? So many introspective questions that your extremely well written account of your travails leads us through! "

Kim Foster, Oregon City, Oregon

"You’re a gifted writer as well as an engineer!"

Jim Frimmel, San Francisco, CA

"Very powerful Frank."

Clark Stone, San Jose, CA

"It is a well-written memoir, where you can see behind the truth what tears could form under the red regime."

Viet Bao Magazine, Orange County, CA

"What an intriguing opening sentence! It really sets the stage for the rest of the story. I was certainly captivated by it!I like that each chapter is short and concise, yet conveys everything that you wanted to tell the readers. I especially love the chapter of you being the clever storyteller and how it brought you some small relief in jail. Lastly I thought it was fitting to end your memoir right when everyone stepped ashore. I was itching to find out what happened next...Oh well, maybe we’ll have to stay tuned for your “next“ memoir!"

  Audrey Tran, Tustin, CA

"It is so captivating, I can not put it down.."

Thanh Hong, Almaden, CA

"The story is exciting and engaging from the moment the ship sets sail."

 Nguyen Xuan Viet, Washington

"I bought your book yesterday for my wife and began reading it myself. I cannot put it down. Your story is mesmerizing, and there are memories of your family members whom I also knew well, and experiences that I know must also have been experienced by those whom I am close to, such as my brother-in-law who spent many years in a labor camp. Thank you for your book. It is very special. "

Peter Mumford, New Zealand

"I have read the book and I truly feel that it deserves to be in the top 10 of non fiction books in 2022."

Tran Lam Thuan, Orange County, CA

"After dinner, I casually opened the book on the kitchen counter. After the dedication page, I flipped to the first page of the prologue. I ended up reading through the gripping prologue until finishing it. There were moments of teary eyes. Those of us who lived through those years, fled VN by boat, will find your memoir resonating. "

Phat Tran, San Jose, CA

"I could not put it down. Started looking at it one night and read introduction and the first chapters. Next day did not stop reading it until I finished it. The book was extremely well written with the right amount of detail. Excellent book. My congratulations to you on a job well done. Also I commend you on your strength and preservation need to escape. "

Lance Agee, Saratoga, CA

Published by Page Publishing, Philadelphia, USA


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